Dr. Shubhra Dental Clinic
Bailey Road, Patna

5.0 of 5 5 reviews
Listed In : Dental Surgeons, Dentists,
GFS Verified


  • We care about your tooth and we cure your tooth, to make smile on your face
  • Dr. shubhras dental clinic is situated on main road of gola road
  • our motto is to provide quality treatment to the patients in less time.
  • Treatment procedures are done with high quality of sterilization.
  • Root canal treatment is performed with high quality of technologies and we assure
  • Assure you that wer can save your tooth with best quality.
  • We believe to give happy and cool environment in the clinic.
  • This clinic can solve all your dental problems and lead good health in life.
  • We believe in constant upgrading our skill.



  1. Root canal treatment with advanced technology
  2. Ultrasonic scaling
  3. Fixed artificial teeth placement
  4. Removal artificial teeth placement
  5. Extraction
  6. Implant
  7. Capping after root canal treatment
  8. Complete artificial teeth placement
  9. Braces placement
  10. All type of surgeries
  11. Cosmetic surgeries
  12. Impacted teeth extraction
  13. Bleeding gums, bad breathe, stains, calculus can be cured here
  14. Bleaching permanent filling with tooth color

Dr. Shubhra's Dental Clinic is most popular Dental Clinic and Dr. Shubhra is very famous and best Dentist in Gola Road, Danapur, Bailey Road, Patna.


Ratings & Reviews of Dr. Shubhra Dental Clinic


5 reviews

  • 5 Star
  • 4 Star
  • 3 Star
  • 2 Star
  • 1 Star

Contact Information

Contact Person Dr. Shubhra
Address Opposite Shiv Mandir, Gola Road, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar
Landmark : Opposite Shiv Mandir
Working Hours Saturday - 10:00 AM-3:00 PM, 05:00PM-08:00PMMore...
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